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Green Initiatives

Our Commitment to Green Dining in Dallas

We are doing our best to create a positive impact on the environment here at Maple Landing—from using compostable and recyclable "Ecotainer" takeout containers, to reducing waste and becoming more energy-efficient, to participating in ecological projects, causes, and events.

How green is green? We recycle over 17,000 lbs of materials every month all year long!  

Bring Your Own Coffee Mug for Free Coffee at Sunday Brunch

Join us for Sunday Brunch on the patio, and bring your own coffee cup for a free cup of coffee. That's right: Maple Landing is now encouraging our patrons to do their part to help our planet along with us. Every little thing that we do makes a big difference!

Maple Landing Offers Compostable Takeout Containers

Another important move that we've made has to do with our paper products. We use recycled paper and supplies in our office, and, on the customer side, we've started buying Ecotainer products. Unlike traditional packaging, Ecotainers use a plastic lining made from plants. All products are compostable. Our plastic bags come from, and they are 100% biodegradable and will not harm the environment when they decompose. They're made with natural bioplastic polymers.

Would You Like Water?

No, we're not being stingy -- we're being green! We don't want to waste a drop, so our staff asks if you'd like water with your meal. This not only saves water -- but saves on energy used to make ice and wash your glass.

View Our Q2 2020 Impact Report

View Our Q3 2019 Impact Report

View Our Q2 2019 Impact Report